TH Thaïlande
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Enzymes for food processing or food enzymes

Draft MOPH Notification, B.E..., entitled "Enzymes for Food Processing"

Enzymes for food processing are now covered by the MOPH Notification No. 281 B.E. 2547 (2004) Re: Food Additives. Enzymes, other than those approved by Codex General Standard for Food Additives, are required to have safety evaluations before they are allowed for use in food production. Due to differences between information requirements of enzymes and other chemical food additives, the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is proposing the notification on Enzymes for Food Processing.

This notification sets the rules for industrial enzymes intended to be used in food processing both as food additives and processing aids. However, the scope of this notification excludes: enzymes for nutritional purposes; enzymes produced by traditional microbial cultures during fermentation; and enzymes used exclusively in the production of food additives or processing aids.

Enzymes for food processing should be qualified as follows:

·         Enzyme activity is over 85 percent of informed enzyme activity. No genetic engineering microbes in 1 g (for enzymes derived from genetic engineering microbes). Quality and safety are under the following conditions:

3.1    Compliance with Codex Advisory Specification for the Identity and Purity of Food Additive

3.2    Compliance with General specification and considerations for enzyme preparations used in food processing as follows:

-           Salmonella spp.: Absent in 25g sample

-           Total coliforms: Not more than 30MPN/g

-           Escherichia coli: Absent in 25g sample 

-           Lead: not more than 5mg/kg

-           Antibiotic Activity: Absent in preparations from microbial sources.

3.3    Compliance with Food and Drug Administration (Thailand)'s notifications.

The draft notification contains:

·         List of enzymes for food processing shown in Annex I. Food enzymes that are not listed in Annex I or not evaluated by JECFA have to undergo a comprehensive scientific safety assessment by the risk assessors in Thailand;

·         Information required to approve the usage of new food enzymes provided in Annex II;

·         Application requirement to demonstrate technological needs and efficiency in Annex III for the usage of food enzyme that do not fall under the scope of its functional use as set out in Annex I;

·         List of food additives approved for use in food enzymes and their conditions listed in Annex IV;

·         Enzymes for food processing analytical method is provided in Annex V which complies with "Combine compendium of food additive specifications: Analytical methods, test procedures and laboratory solutions used by and referenced in the food additive specifications";

·         Labelling requirement for food enzyme stated in the MOPH Notification Re: Food Additives. All food products using enzymes as food additives and processing aids which are not included in the list before the enforcement of this notification have to provide information for safety assessment and technological needs within two years from the date of entry into force of this notification; This notification shall come into force on the date after being notified in the Royal Gazette.