RU Russie
  • 23 - Résidus et déchets des industries alimentaires; aliments préparés pour animaux
  • 95 - Jouets, jeux, articles pour divertissements ou pour sports; leurs parties et accessoires

Goods (products) subject to phytosanitary control (HS Code(s) 2309, 9503)

Eurasian Economic Commission Council Draft Decision on amendments to the List of quarantined products (quarantined freights, quarantined materials and quarantined goods) subject to quarantine phytosanitary control (surveillance) at the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union and within the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. Language(s): Russian. Number of pages: 3

The Draft expands the List of "Quarantined Products (Quarantined Freights, Quarantined Materials, Quarantined Goods) of High Phytosanitary Risk" (Part I) with products used in toys, put up in sets or outfits that contain seeds and (or) ground, without soil. The Draft also provides for exclusion from the mentioned List of products for feeds not containing organic substances.