PK Pakistan
  • 09 - Café, thé, maté et épices

Coffee and its Preparation PS: 763 UDC No. 663.933

Coffee and its Preparation PS: 763 UDC No. 663.933 (16 page(s), in English)

This Pakistan Standard (1st Revision) was adopted by the Pakistan Standards Institution on 3 March 1991, after the draft finalized by the Sectional Committee had been approved by the Agricultural & Food Products Divisional Council.

The term coffee power is commonly applied to a mixture of roasted and ground coffee in different proportions, coffee being not less than 51 percent by mass, the present standard applies to soluble coffee power which is obtained by extracting under suitable conditions a mixture of roasted and ground coffee with water, or extracting them separately and mixing the two extracts and drying the mixed extract to a powder.

Pakistan Standards Institution laid-down standard specification on soluble coffee powder PS: 763-1969. The committee felt it necessary to revise in the light of latest development in the Industries.