MX Mexique
  • 23 - Fluidique et composants à usage général
  • 71 - Génie chimique
  • 75 - Industrie du pétrole et technologies associées

Measuring instruments - System for measuring and dispensing petrol and other liquid fuels with a maximum volumetric flow rate of 250 l/min

PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-005-SE-2020, Instrumentos de medición-Sistema para medición y despacho de gasolina y otros combustibles líquidos con un gasto volumétrico máximo de 250 L/Min-Especificaciones, métodos de prueba y de verificación (cancelará a la NOM-005-SCFI-2017) (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-005-SE-2020: Measuring instruments - System for measuring and dispensing petrol and other liquid fuels with a maximum volumetric flow rate of 250 l/min - Specifications and test and verification methods (cancelling Mexican Official Standard NOM-005-SCFI-2017)) (30 page(s), in Spanish)

The notified Mexican Official Standard establishes the specifications and test and verification methods applicable to the various systems for measuring and dispensing petrol and other liquid fuels with a maximum volumetric flow rate of 250 l/min, marketed and used in commercial transactions within the United Mexican States.