MA Maroc
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Food additives authorized for use in primary products and food products

Projet d'Arrêté conjoint modifiant et complétant l'arrêté conjoint n°1795-14 du 14 mai 2014 fixant la liste et les limites des additifs alimentaires autorisés à être utilisés dans les produits primaires et les produits alimentaires, ainsi qu'aux indications que doivent porter leurs emballages (Draft Joint Order amending and supplementing Joint Order No. 1795-14 of 14 May 2014 establishing the list of, and limits for, food additives authorized for use in primary products and food products, as well as the information to be displayed on their packaging) Language(s): French Number of pages: 4

The purpose of the notified draft Joint Order amending Order No. 1795-14 of 14 May 2014 is to:

- Update the list of authorized food additives in order to comply with the relevant international standards;

- Establish specifications for these food additives so as to prevent fraudulent practices that could pose a risk to consumer health.

In addition, in the interest of transparency for the consumer, the notified draft Joint Order establishes:

- A list of functional classes of food additive, on the basis of the technological purpose of the additive in the food product;

- A list of food colours for which additional information must be displayed on the labelling of the food products that contain them.