KR Corée du Sud
  • 01 - Animaux vivants
  • 03 - Poissons et crustacés, mollusques et autres invertébrés aquatiques

All live aquatic animals (fish, molluscs, crustaceans and amphibian) and chilled or frozen shrimp (HS codes: 0301, 0306, 0307, 0106)

Proposed amendment to the "Aquatic Organism Disease Control Act". Language(s): Korean. Number of pages: 37

To revise the Aquatic Organism Disease Control Act as follows:

(1)  To introduce the registration system of domestic establishments to export aquatic animals and to develop new standards to control aquatic diseases for export;

(2)  To introduce the registration system of foreign establishments and to establish a legal basis for on-site inspection conducted overseas;

(3)  To complement a legal basis to take actions on prohibited imports; and

(4)  To complement other requirement details for domestic disease control processes.