IL Israël
  • 71 - Génie chimique

Cosmetics (HS code(s): 33); (ICS code(s): 71.100.70)

Pharmacists' Regulations (Cosmetics) 5782-2022

New draft regulations announced by Israel's Ministry of Health called "Pharmacists' Regulations (Cosmetics)" that establish high and professional provisions for the production, marketing, and import of cosmetics. It aims to ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of cosmetics and to protect public health and safety.

This draft sets the following:

  • The details, data, and documents required for the registration of a dealer and a representative responsible for cosmetics in the national register;
  • The conditions and attributes necessary for obtaining a general cosmetics import and distribution license;
  • The duties and responsibilities imposed on the authorized representative;
  • The instructions for conducting a cosmetics safety assessment, the content of the safety assessment, ways of updating, and the qualifications required to perform this assessment;
  • The technical details required for the cosmetic marketing announcement;
  • The list of prohibited substances or restricted substances in cosmetics; 
  • The required information for the cosmetics packaging.