IL Israël
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Preserved tomato products (HS code(s): 2002); (ICS code(s): 67.080.20)

SI 730 - Preserved tomato products; (8 page(s), in Hebrew and English)

Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 730, dealing with preserved tomato products. This draft revision adopts the Codex Alimentarius Standard 13-1981 (Adopted in 1981. Revised in 2007. Amended in 2013, 2017), with a few changes appearing in the standard's Hebrew section.

The major differences between the old version and this new revised draft standard are as follow:

  • Adds a reference to The Codex general standard for fruit juices and nectars (CODEX STAN 247-2005);
  • Replace the reference to Israel Mandatory Standard SI 52 dealing with fruit juices and concentrated fruit;
  • Adds to section 3.2.2 dealing with size or wholeness, a remark relating to the calculation of product weight after filtering;
  • Adds to section 3.2.3 dealing with defects and allowances, a clarification relating to defects tolerance;
  • Changes the normative reference to apply Israel's laws and regulations; 
  • Changes in section 7.1.4 dealing with the minimum drained weight, the requirement for the product's weight after drainage.