ES Espagne
  • 11 - Technologies de la santé
  • 65 - Agriculture

Live bovine animals (HS code 102) - ICS numbers 65.020.30 and 11.220

Proyecto de real decreto por el que se establecen las bases de las actuaciones de prevención, control y erradicación de la rinotraqueítis infecciosa bovina y se establece un programa nacional voluntario de lucha contra la enfermedad (Draft royal decree establishing the basis for actions to prevent, control and eradicate infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and establishing a voluntary national IBR control programme). Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 20

The draft royal decree establishes the basis for actions to prevent, control and eradicate infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) in cattle farms in Spain.

Under Commission Decision 2004/558/CE of 15 July 2004 implementing Council Directive 64/432/EEC as regards additional guarantees for intra-Community trade in bovine animals, the presence of the disease entails significant trade constraints. Specifically, unless a series of specific sanitary measures is carried out, the marketing of semen, ova and embryos from seropositive herds and the transport of infected live animals are prohibited to countries or zones that have been declared free from IBR or that have an approved control and eradication programme. An increasing number of European countries have control and eradication programmes in place. It is therefore necessary to establish a national framework for the initiation of an IBR prevention, control and eradication programme that offers the necessary guarantees for IBR control efforts to be carried out uniformly in farms throughout Spain.