EC Equateur
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Draft Sanitary Technical Regulation for obtaining the certificate indicating whether or not the sanitary notification for processed foods and pesticides or the mandatory sanitary notification for cosmetics and hygiene products is required, and the certificate indicating whether or not sanitary registration for medicines, natural products, medical devices and biochemical reagents is required. The notified draft Sanitary Technical Regulation also establishes the procedure for obtaining these certificates.

Proyecto de "Normativa Técnica Sanitaria para la obtención del certificado de requerimiento o no de la notificación sanitaria de alimentos procesados, plaguicidas o notificación sanitaria obligatoria de cosméticos y productos higiénicos, y certificado de requerimiento o no de registro sanitario de medicamentos, productos naturales, dispositivos médicos y reactivos bioquímicos" (Draft Sanitary Technical Regulation for obtaining the certificate indicating whether or not the sanitary notification for processed foods and pesticides or the mandatory sanitary notification for cosmetics and hygiene products is required, and the certificate indicating whether or not sanitary registration for medicines, natural products, medical devices and biochemical reagents is required) (13 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Sanitary Technical Regulation lays down the procedure for obtaining the certificate indicating whether or not the sanitary notification for processed foods and pesticides or the mandatory sanitary notification for cosmetics and hygiene products is required, and the certificate indicating whether or not sanitary registration for medicines, natural products, medical devices and biochemical reagents is required, with a view to establishing whether the above-mentioned certificates should be obtained for the product. It applies to all national or foreign natural or legal persons involved or engaged in the relevant processes.