CO Colombie
  • 65 - Agriculture

Chemical pesticides for agricultural use

Proyecto de resolución "Por medio de la cual se establecen los requisitos para el registro y control de los Plaguicidas Químicos de Uso Agrícola" (Draft resolution establishing requirements for the registration and control of chemical pesticides for agricultural use) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 43

The notified draft resolution sets out procedures and requirements for the registration and control of chemical pesticides for agricultural use and the registration of companies that manufacture, formulate, package, import, export and/or distribute chemical pesticides for agricultural use, with a view to minimizing associated health and environmental risks and protecting plant health in Colombia.

The text establishes that any chemical pesticide used in agriculture in Colombia must be registered at the national level, in accordance with the provisions set forth therein and Decision No. 804 of 2015 of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community of Nations (SGCAN).