CO Colombie
  • 17 - Métrologie et mesurage, Phénomènes physiques
  • 55 - Emballage et distribution des marchandises

Pre-packaged products with constant nominal quantity and with random or variable nominal quantities, bearing a content or nominal quantity declaration in accordance with Law No. 1480 of 2011, Decree No. 1074 of 2015 and the regulations amending or replacing them.

Proyecto de Resolución de la Superintendencia de Industria y Turismo "Por la cual se modifican los Capítulos Primero, Segundo, y Cuarto del Título VI de la Circular Única, y se reglamenta el etiquetado y el control metrológico aplicable a productos preempacados" (Draft Resolution of the Supervisory Authority for Industry and Trade "Amending the first, second and fourth chapters of Title VI of the Single Circular and regulating the labelling and metrological control of pre-packaged products") (25 pages, in Spanish)

The draft Resolution covers the following:

Article 1: amends the first chapter of Title VI of the Single Circular of the Supervisory Authority for Industry and Trade. First chapter: legal units of measurement system in Colombia

Article 2: technical regulations on the labelling of pre-packaged products

Article 3: technical metrological regulations for pre-packaged products