CL Chili
  • 01 - Animaux vivants

Animals of the order Rodentia

Establece exigencias sanitarias para la internación a Chile de animales del Orden rodentia destinados a zoológicos, fines comerciales y animales de compañía y deroga Resolución N° 2.875 de 2007 (Health requirements for the entry into Chile of animals of the order Rodentia to be used in zoos, for commercial purposes or as pets, and repeal of Resolution No. 2.875 of 2007).

The following specific health requirements are established for the entry into Chile of specimens of the order Rodentia to be used in zoos, for commercial purposes or as pets.

The draft resolution addresses the following points and develops them further:

"2.     Definition of pet;

3.      Animal origin;

4.      Establishment of origin;

5.      Pre-shipment isolation;

6.      Shipment requirements;

7.      Arrival of animals in Chile; 8.         Repeal of Resolution No. 2.875 of 2007, which established health requirements for the entry into Chile of guinea pigs."