BZ Bélize
  • 01 - Animaux vivants
  • 04 - Lait et produits de la laiterie; oeufs d'oiseaux; miel naturel; produits comestibles d'origine animale, non dénommés ni compris ailleurs
  • 23 - Résidus et déchets des industries alimentaires; aliments préparés pour animaux

HS Code(s): 2309, 0407, 0105

Belize Agricultural Health Authority (Poultry Health) Regulations, 2022. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 41

The proposed Poultry Health Regulations set out disease prevention, control and eradication measures for OIE listed poultry diseases, particularly for Avian influenza and Newcastle Disease, as well as for diseases and conditions of national importance. They also provide an enabling structure to implement disease surveillance for early detection and rapid response with the ultimate goal of preventing, controlling and eradicating poultry disease in Belize.