AU Australie
  • 65 - Agriculture

Imports of goods lodged under Schedule 3, Sections 2 and 9 of Australia's tariff system: horticultural fresh produce, cut flowers, plants and other plant-based commodities, animals, biological and animal-based goods

Extended: temporary changes to import certificate requirements for a range of imported plant-based, animal, biological and animal-based goods

This measure describes alternative arrangements to the use of original paper phytosanitary certificates and health certificates due the impacts of COVID-19 on airfreight and courier mail.

This temporary arrangement has been extended until 30 June 2022. Stakeholders will be notified of any further extension to this arrangement closer to this date.

Further information is available via the following Industry Advice Notifications:

Temporary changes to import certificate requirements for fresh produce, cut flowers, plants and other imported plant-based commodities extended to 30 June 2022: