AR Argentine
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 55 - Emballage et distribution des marchandises
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Cellulosic materials, packaging and equipment that come into contact with food

Proyecto de Resolución GMC Nº 04/20 "Materiales, Envases y Equipamientos Celulósicos Destinados a estar en Contacto con Alimentos (Modificación de la Resolución GMC N° 40/15)" (Draft Common Market Group (GMC) Resolution No. 04/20 "Cellulosic materials, packaging and equipment that come into contact with food (Amendment to GMC Resolution No. 40/15)") (2 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft text proposes the inclusion of sections 4.2.27, 4.2.28 and and the replacement of section in Part II of the Annex to GMC Resolution No. 40/15 on cellulosic materials, packaging and equipment that come into contact with food, for updating purposes.