PL Pologne

poppy other than low-morphine poppy and hemp other than fibrous hemp

Draft Regulation of the Minister for Internal Affairs and Administration on securing the cultivation of poppy other than low-morphine poppy and hemp other than fibrous hemp

The draft Regulation lays down detailed conditions for securing the cultivation of poppy other than low-morphine poppy and hemp other than fibrous hemp conducted after obtaining the permission of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector by a scientific unit and the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing as part of the

statutory activity.
The draft enumeratively sets out the specific conditions for securing cultivation of poppy other than low-morphine poppy and hemp other than fibrous hemp ensuring that these crops shall adequately protected from unauthorised access. Having regard to the above, it is proposed that the specific conditions for securing cultivation of poppy other than low-morphine poppy and hemp other than fibrous hemp ensuring that these crops shall be adequately protected from unauthorised access shall include:
— keeping, in paper or electronic form, a list of persons and vehicles authorised to enter the cultivation site;
— technical protection of cultivation conducted inside and outside buildings including having and using the alarm system, a CCTV system, technical measures to prevent unauthorised persons from entering the place where the cultivation shall be or is conducted, employment of a person entered on the list of qualified physical security workers to perform tasks related to the protection of cultivation, having and preparation for use of RFID for planned cultivation or having and using the RFID for the conducted cultivation
— remote plant supervision technology (radio-frequency identification) whereas, for obvious reasons, RFID shall apply to cultivation of hemp other than fibrous hemp;
— having and using marks in the form of warning boards containing information on the prohibition of entry of unauthorised persons to the cultivation site;
— compliance of the site of the place where cultivation is conducted.