EE Estonie
  • C40C - Engrais chimiques

This is an update of the requirements for the composition of fertiliser by type of fertiliser, which applies to products not covered by the European Union legislation in Estonia (non-CE marked fertilisers).

Draft amending Regulation No 46 of the Minister for Rural Affairs of 10 August 2022 entitled ‘Requirements for fertiliser composition by type of fertiliser’.

The draft harmonises the manner of expression of the minimum nutrient content of specific and organic-mineral fertilisers, introduces a requirement to determine the sulphur content of oil shale ash, lowers the required minimum neutralisation capacity for oil shale ash, and adds to mixed lime fertilisers a requirement to declare the list of lime fertilisers used in the mixture and nutrients according to the nutrient declaration of each type of fertiliser. The amendment of the Regulation will affect companies involved in the production of fertilisers and nitrogen compounds and distributors and users of these products.

The amendments are planned to enter into force on 1 January 2024.