NO Norvège
  • I10 - Métrologie

The regulation concerns automatic and non-automatic weighing instruments.

Regulations on automatic weighing systems for use when landing fish

The regulations have compiled provisions that apply within the fisheries area. The regulations contain both new regulations and existing regulations that have been moved from instrument-specific regulations.

In essence, the regulations stipulate that the weighing systems must be able to store weighing data automatically, so that registration of weighing data cannot be done manually with the risk of human error. There are also requirements that all events in the scales must be stored automatically in the system. Such events can e.g. be that the stop function is triggered or a rupture of the seal. All this data must be able to be transferred automatically to the authorities.
The weighing system shal also have functions for storing and transmitting information about errors that occur when using the scale, and it must ensure high data quality and integrity.
§ 8 and § 9 of the regulations contain existing requirements which have now been moved to these regulations.