NL Pays-Bas

The draft measure concerns the product manure (both animal manure and fertiliser. The amendment to Article 28f(1)(a) of the Urm may contain a technical regulation, since the amendment is a rule on the use of a product.

Increasing the reduction in the nitrogen usage standard for maize applied after the after ploughing grass on sandy and loessial soils for 2022 may affect the trade in manure.

Regulation of the Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality amending the Implementing Regulation on Fertilisers Act regarding the increase in the reduction in the nitrogen usqge standard for maize applied after ploughing grass on sandy and loessial soils in 2022 for water quality.

Regulation of the Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality amending the Implementing Regulation on Fertilisers Act regarding the increase in the reduction in the nitrogen usage standard for maize applied after ploughing grass on sandy and loessial soils in 2022 for water quality.

The amendment to Article 28f may contain technical requirements. The amendment concerns a rule on the use of a product.
Based on the technical requirements to be notified, it shall not be possible for the national authorities in the Netherlands to reject from the Dutch market a product that has lawfully been placed on the market in another the Member State. A provision of mutual recognition is therefore not necessary.