ES Espagne
  • S20E - Dechets

Fatty pomace from mills intended for the extraction of crude olive pomace oil will be considered by-products as long as they comply with the provisions of the Ministerial Order.

Draft Ministerial Order determining when fatty pomace from mills and intended for the extraction of crude olive-pomace oil are considered as by-products, pursuant to Law 22/2011 of 28 July, on contaminated waste and soils.

This Ministerial Order, valid throughout the territory of the State, establishes the criteria for determining when fatty pomace from mills intended for the extraction of crude olive-pomace oil are considered as by-products under Law 22/2011 of 28 July. To this end, the order lays down requirements relating to:

1) pomace intended for the extraction of crude olive-pomace oil,
2) the obligations of the pomace producer,
3) the obligations of the user and the downstream user of the by-product,
4) monitoring by the Autonomous Communities,
5) potential shipments of the by-product within the European Union.