DK Danemark
  • C50A - Denrées alimentaires

C50A Foodstuffs

Order on precautions concerning salmonellosis in poultry as well as salmonella and Campylobacter in slaughter poultry, etc.

In the Authorisation Order, the permitted quantity of poultry that may be sold by direct supply to final consumers and local retail establishments has been increased from a maximum of 500 animals per year to a maximum of 2 000 animals per year. For the Slaughter Poultry Order, this means that producers with up to 2 000 animals undergo less stringent salmonella controls

In addition, the sample size is reduced for small broiler producers who supply animals to a slaughterhouse. For flocks with a maximum of 500 broilers, the number of salmonella analyses is reduced from five to two for each of the two rounds of AM sampling (ante-mortem samples).

The Order has also undergone a general revision.