LT Lithuanie
  • C50A - Denrées alimentaires

Foods, including those supplied by mass caterers

Draft Order amending Order No V-675 of the Minister for Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 1 September 2005 approving Lithuanian Hygiene Norm HN 15:2005 ‘Food hygiene’ (hereinafter – draft Order)

The aim of the draft Order is to approve a new wording of Lithuanian Hygiene Norm HN 15:2020 ‘Food hygiene’ (hereinafter - Hygiene Norm) in order to ensure the clarity and consistency of the provisions.

The Hygiene Norm establishes general requirements for food handling hygiene, food production, preparation and processing hygiene, as well as food retail hygiene that are not laid down in the directly applicable food law of the European Union; the Hygiene Norm also provides for exceptions to the provisions for transportation by sea of raw sugar in bulk.
Once the Hygiene Norm is approved, adequate food hygiene and public health safety will be ensured, and competent authorities will be enabled to carry out food hygiene controls more effectively. Most of the requirements set out in the new wording of the Hygiene Norm have been valid in the Republic of Lithuania since 2005, but they have not been notified to the European Commission.