DK Danemark
  • B20 - Sécurité

B20 Safety

B30 Environment

T10T Air transport

Draft for amended BL 3-8, Provisions on establishment, operation and technical requirements for heliports.

The draft for the amended BL 3-8, Provisions on establishment, operation and technical requirements for heliports, lays down requirements on how a public or private helicopter aerodrome used for commercial purposes shall be established and operated. The BL also lays down in Section 8 technical requirements for the design of a helicopter aerodrome.

The regulations in BL 3-8 are based on the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) regulations for heliports, though with certain exceptions. The regulations in BL 3-8 also resemble the EU regulations for heliports located on a public VMC/JMC aerodrome covered by EU Regulation 139/2014 (CS-HPT-DSN, Issue 1, of 23 May 2019), which is also based on the ICAO regulations for heliports.

The objective of the regulations is to ensure flight safety when using heliports.

The draft for the amended BL 3-8 replaces the current BL 3-8, Provisions on establishment, operation and technical requirements for heliports, 2nd edition, of 12 December 2008.

Note that BL 3-8 does not apply to heliports located within an EU-certified aerodrome which is covered by Regulation EU 139/2014.