DK Danemark

Design, establishment and operation of oil tanks, pipe systems and pipelines.

Order concerning the design, establishment and operation of oil tanks, pipe systems and pipelines

This order sets regulations for the design, establishment and operation of oil tanks, pipe systems and pipelines.

Some errors have been discovered since the last revision of the order that should

be corrected, and some subjects have been identified that should be clarified. There has

also been a request from the Danish Environmental Agency for outsourcing of the PUFO secretariat and a request from

the petrochemical industry for exemption of refineries from the order. This is the reason that

a draft amended order has been prepared. In the same way, it has been requested

that the executive order of 8 July 1981 concerning the Test Commission for oil tanks (PUFO)

is repealed and that PUFO is entered in the Executive Order (§ 6).