AT Autriche
  • V00T - TELECOM

Radio installations; radiocommunication services

Draft Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology amending the General Licences Ordinance [Verordnung, mit der generelle Bewilligungen erteilt werden]

The radio interface describes the interface parameters necessary for national frequency use.

A general licence for installation and operation is issued with regard to the radio equipment referred to in the Annex.

The device descriptions contained in the Annex may also be supplemented with rules of conduct. These must be observed when implementing the licence. In particular with regard to the possibility of operating a radio transmission system with different antennas, it should be kept in mind that the product of the power fed into the antenna by the transmitter and the antenna gain must not exceed the permitted radiation power specified in the interface specification. When operating generally licensed radio equipment, interference from other licensed radio equipment must be taken into account.

The technical documents referenced in the Annex (radio interface specifications-FSB) are available for inspection at the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Section III as well as at the Radio and Telecommunications Equipment Office during office hours. They will also be published on the website of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology.

With the entry into force of the present Ordinance, the General Licences Ordinance , Federal Law Gazette II No 542/2003, shall cease to apply.