SE Suède
  • SERV - SERVICES 98/48/CE

Statistics in the field of procurement and registration of advertisement databases.

Act on procurement statistics

The draft means that statistics on public procurement must primarily be obtained from information in advertisements on procurements and on completed procurements. According to the draft, all procurements must be advertised in registered advertisement databases.

• A registry authority is proposed to register advertisement databases. In order to be registered, an advertisement database must fulfil certain basic requirements in terms of functions and fulfil certain specific requirements regarding technical performance, functionality, availability and service level. Anyone who runs a registered advertisement database must pay an annual registry fee.

• Anyone who runs an advertisement database will be obliged to submit unprocessed data from advertisements to a statistical authority for statistical purposes. The statistical authority is proposed to have the main responsibility for the national statistical database in the field of procurement.

• The regulation is not considered to be an obstacle for operators who want to enter the Swedish market for advertising services. The possibility of applying for registration is open to everyone, regardless of legal form and residence.