BG Bulgarie

Electronic fiscal memory systems

Draft Regulation amending Regulation N-18 of 2006 on recording and reporting sales at retail sites by means of fiscal devices, the requirements for business management software and the requirements for persons who make sales via an e-shop

Regulation N-18 of 2006 on recording and reporting sales at retail sites by means of fiscal devices, the requirements for business management software and the requirements for persons who make sales via an e-shop (Regulation N-18/2006) was issued under Article 118 of the Value Added Tax Act (VAT Act), Article 9(1) of the Income Taxes on Natural Persons Act and Article 10(4) of the Corporate Income Tax Act.

The draft Regulation N-18 of 2006 proposes to introduce a requirement for printing information on the fiscal receipt regarding the amount of value added tax, excise duty, the sale price of the fuel excluding excise duty and value added tax (net value) and the purchase price of the fuel excluding excise duty and value added tax (purchase price) in cases of liquid fuel sales/refills via an electronic fiscal memory system. It is proposed that the information be printed on separate lines by type of liquid fuel.

The proposed regulatory change applies both to liquid fuel traders and to those who refill liquid fuel for own needs and register and report the refills via an electronic fiscal memory system.

The objective of the proposal is to inform end users of what portion of the amount they pay for the purchased liquid fuels represents indirect taxes, as well as the selling value of the fuels and their acquisition cost for the trader.

Insofar as, on the one hand, the trade in liquid fuels is subject to special regulation and the measure aims to achieve greater transparency and level of detail for some of the pricing elements of the product concerned and, on the other hand, the proposed draft Regulation creates a transitional period for bringing the activities of operators using an electronic fiscal memory system into line with the proposed requirements, the proposed amendments to the draft Regulation are envisaged to enter into force on the day of their publication in the State Gazette.

The deadline proposed by the draft Regulation for bringing the activities of the operators using an electronic fiscal memory system into line with the proposed requirements is 28 February 2019.

The proposed changes to Regulation N-18 of 2006 will affect taxable persons who use an electronic fiscal memory system, as they will incur expenses for alignment amounting to approximately BGN 200 per site and related to a system software update.

The proposed changes to the Regulation will not lead to additional expenditure from the budget of the National Revenue Agency.

The proposed draft act will not have a direct and/or indirect impact on the state budget.

The draft regulation does not implement standards under EU law.

The proposed draft regulation was published on the website of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Consultation Portal pursuant to Article 26 of the Law on Legislative Acts.