PL Pologne
  • SERV60 - Services liés à Internet

The electronic layer of an identification card;

PIN 1 code for identifying and authenticating the document holder;

PIN 2 code for submitting a personal signature;

PUK code for unlocking the certificates of identification and authentication and of personal signature;

suspending and withdrawing the suspension of the identification and authentication certificate and the personal signature certificate;

CAN number for establishing a connection between the electronic layer of an identification card and a device or computer system via a card reader

Regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration on the electronic layer of an identification card

The proposed Regulation is an implementation of the mandate pursuant to Article 12j of the Act of 6 August 2010 on identity cards, the amendment to which was notified under document number 2018/0369/PL. In accordance with statutory authorisation, the Minister of the Interior, in consultation with the Minister for Digital Affairs,is obliged to lay down, by way of a regulation, the technical requirements for the electronic layer of an identity card, the form of use of the certificates referred to in Article 12a(1)(2)–(4) of the Act, the manner in which the code unlocking the certificates of identification and authentication and of personal signature is provided and used, the manner of and procedures for suspending, withdrawing the suspension and revoking the certificates, the model application form for the suspension and withdrawal of suspension of the certificates, and the model attestation of the suspension and withdrawal of suspension of the certificates. The draft envisages solutions which ensure the safe functioning of identity cards, protect the interests of identity card holders and which take into account the need to ensure the safety of legal transactions.