BG Bulgarie

The draft aims to: 1. alert road users to the PC, whereby the draft, which was developed on the basis of the general traffic organisation plan, provides for the implementation of PC with RM M8.1 and M8.2 on a red base whose skid resistance class is not less than that of the RM in PCRTA next to entrances of schools, kindergartens, sports facilities, playgrounds, hospitals, buildings for public services in the field of transport, culture and arts, shopping centres and covered markets; 2. regulate the areas where the PC can be implemented on a red base and define requirements for it in order to reduce injuries related to crossing PC. A transitional provision has been created introducing a requirement according to which the colour of the base of the implemented RM M8.1 and M8.2 on a red base, which does not comply with the above conditions, will not be renewed after the end of the operational period; 3. enhance the visibility of PC through increased illumination requirements and requirements for construction products for the implementation of the PC marking; 4. provide for the storage and maintenance of information about the implemented RM, including PC, and for the analysis of the effect of PC with implemented RM M8.1 and M8.2 on a red base, which is assigned to the road administration or the road owner.

Draft Regulation amending and supplementing Regulation No 2 of 2001 on road signalling using road markings (published in State Gazette (SG) No 13 of 2001; amended and supplemented in No 18 of 2004, No 54 of 2009, No 34 of 2015 and No 74 of 2016) (Regulation No 2 of 2001)



* road markings (RM)

* pedestrian crossings (PC)

* road traffic accident (RTA)

* places with a concentration of road traffic accidents (PCRTA)

* transitional and final provisions (TFP)

The draft Regulation amending and supplementing Regulation No 2 of 2001 contains the following: 1. § 1. In Article 3(3)(1), the abbreviation ‘(GTCP)’ appears after ‘general traffic circulation plan’; 2. § 2. Paragraph 5 is inserted in Article 4 for the PCRTA next to entrances; 3. § 3. Article 7 is amended and the main text of paragraph 4 is supplemented for the implementation of RM for all PC M8.1 and M8.2, regardless of the road class, where the road surface allows it to be laid. In paragraphs 8 and 9, ‘and for transverse RM М8.1 and М8.2’ is added; 4. § 4. In Article 24(3), a second sentence is inserted for the laying of PC at shorter distances, which are justified by the draft; 5. § 5. Inserted in Article 25 is paragraph 4 on PC M8.1 ‘zebra’ type, which are to be illuminated in accordance with BDS EN 13201-2 and, depending on the degree of danger, be provided with additional bi-directional lighting with a higher intensity; 6. § 6. Paragraph 4b of the TFP is amended as regards the storage and maintenance of information about the implemented RM; 7. § 7. Paragraph 4c of the TFP is amended as regards the collection and storage of data on the intensity of pedestrian and road traffic by the road administration or road owner; 8. ‘Transitional Provision’ § 8 is created. In the cases of implemented RM M8.1 and M8.2 on a red base, which does not comply with the requirements of Article 4(5), the colour of the base will not be renewed after the end of the operational period.