BE Belgique
  • S10E - Emballages

Plastic film covering advertising materials and other free publications distributed in letter boxes

The draft Decree of the Walloon Government promoting the prevention of certain waste and public cleanliness

The distribution of commercial advertisements and other free publications packaged in plastic film in letter boxes is gradually being prohibited.

The prohibition is directly applicable to free publications that were not distributed in plastic film before the entry into force of the draft.

For publications distributed in plastic film before the entry into force of this Decree, the implementation of the prohibition will include a timetable for gradual reduction applicable from 2019.

The draft legislation provides for other preventative measures such as the affixing of ‘no junk mail’ stickers and the organisation of their distribution, the prohibition of the placement of laminated cards of a commercial nature on parked vehicles and the prohibition of the abandonment of metal or plastic confetti on public roads or in the environment.