UY Uruguay
  • 01 - Generalities, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation
  • 17 - Metrology and measurement, Physical phenomena

Legal metrology

Decreto N° 230/2020 que incorpora la Resolución GMC Nº 45/18 "Reglamento Técnico Mercosur sobre el Vocabulario de Términos de Metrología Legal" (Decree No. 230/2020 incorporating GMC Resolution No. 45/18 "MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on the Vocabulary of Terms in Legal Metrology") (51 pages, in Spanish)

The notified text establishes the definitions applicable to the various fields of legal metrology, standardizing the terminology used in this field to reflect the relevant international guidelines, including those contained in the 2013 edition and earlier editions of the International Organization of Legal Metrology's (OIML) International Vocabulary of Terms in Legal Metrology.