UA Ukraine
  • 11 - Health care technology

Medicines (medical immunobiological preparations)

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 529 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26 May 2005 No. 376" of 26 April 2024; (18 page(s), in Ukrainian)

The Resolution amends the Procedure of State Registration (Re-registration) of Medicines, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 376 of 26 May 2005, and ensures:

- the implementation of a simplified state registration procedure of medicines purchased by a person authorised to carry out procurement in the sphere of healthcare, as well as those that are subject to procurement based on the results of a procurement procedure conducted by a specialised organisation carrying out procurement in accordance with a procurement agreement between the Ministry of Health and the relevant specialised procurement organisation; - the establishment and extension of the validity period of registration certificates for medicines purchased by a person authorised to carry out procurement in the sphere of healthcare, and those that are subject to procurement based on the results of a procurement procedure conducted by a specialised procurement organisation carrying out procurement in accordance with a procurement agreement between the Ministry of Health and the relevant specialised procurement organisation.