PY Paraguay
  • 65 - Headgear and parts thereof

- Safety headgear (HS code(s): 650610)

Proyecto de Resolución Por la cual se Reglamenta el Decreto N° 7.621 de fecha 22 de agosto de 2017 "Por el cual se crea el Registro de Fabricantes e Importadores de Cascos de Protección Clase Turismo (T), destinados a conductores y acompañantes de Biciclos, Triciclos, Cuatriciclos Motorizados sin cabina, y se establece la Certificación Obligatoria, el Régimen de Licencia Previa de Importación y el Rotulado y Etiquetado de los mismos" (Draft Resolution implementing Decree No. 7.621 of 22 August 2017 "Creating the registry of manufacturers and importers of touring class (T) protective helmets intended for drivers and passengers of two-wheel, three-wheel or four-wheel motorcycles without cabs, and establishing the mandatory certification, the prior import licensing regime and the marking and labelling of such helmets") (28 pages, in Spanish)

The purpose of the notified draft Resolution is to implement Decree No. 7.621 of 22 August 2017 "Creating the registry of manufacturers and importers of touring class (T) protective helmets intended for drivers and passengers of two-wheel, three-wheel or four-wheel motorcycles without cabs, and establishing the mandatory certification, the prior import licensing regime and the marking and labelling of such helmets".