NZ New Zealand
  • 67 - Food technology

Vegetables, fruit, animal products, and other food products

Proposals to Amend the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds) Food Notice. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 15

The document contains technical details on proposals to amend the current Notice issued under the Food Act 2014 that lists the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for agricultural compounds in New Zealand.

MPI proposes the following amendments to the Notice:

The amendment of existing MRL entries for the following compounds and commodities:

-         Fluazinam: 0.01(*) mg/kg in apples;

-         Mandestrobin: 0.01(*) mg/kg in potatoes;

-         Pyriofenone: 0.01(*) mg/kg in apples and 0.05 mg/kg in grapes.

(*) indicates that the maximum residue level has been set at or about the limit of analytical quantification.

Amendment of three entries in Schedule 2 for agricultural chemicals for which no maximum residue level applies: The entry for active ingredients that are foods or permitted food additives, to revise the wording of the substance description for clarity; the entry for microbial active ingredients, to revise the wording to ensure the listing manages the associated risk; and the entry for plant extracts (unrefined), to add three additional species to the list of plants from which extracts are derived that do not require the application of a MRL. The addition of two new entries in Schedule 3 for veterinary medicines for which no maximum residue level applies, one of which replaces an entry that is no longer required: A new entry for zeolite, when used in cattle as a calcium binder and in food producing species as a mycotoxin binder.

Replacement of the entry for medroxyprogesterone acetate for intravaginal use in sheep with an entry for progesterone for intravaginal use in sheep and cattle.