Under-sleeper pads to be used on railway tracks for the provision of public rail passenger transport services
PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-011-ARTF-2024, Especificaciones de las suelas bajo durmientes de concreto (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-011-ARTF-2024: Specifications for concrete under-sleeper pads) (15 pages, in Spanish)
The notified draft Mexican Official Standard establishes the minimum specifications and general assessment criteria to be borne in mind in tests to determine the quality of under-sleeper pads to be used on railway tracks for the provision of public rail passenger transport services.
It is applicable in the United Mexican States and is binding on all natural and legal persons that directly or indirectly participate in the Mexican railway system, including all licence and permit holders, and that, in the development of new projects, consider the use of under-sleeper pads in the final construction drawings.
This draft Standard also seeks to achieve the following legitimate public interest objectives:
· National security.
· Public works and services.
· Road safety.