MX Mexico
  • 67 - Food technology

Water for human consumption

PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-127-SSA1-2017, Agua para uso y consumo humano. Límites permisibles de la calidad del agua (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-127-SSA1-2017, Water for human use and consumption. Permissible limits for water quality) (148 pages, in Spanish)

A quality water supply for human use and consumption is essential for preventing the transmission of water-related diseases. It requires establishing and updating the permissible limits for the physical, chemical, microbiological and radioactive properties of water, with a view to ensuring and preserving the quality of the water provided to consumers by public and private water supply systems.

In light of the above, the Ministry of Health proposes issuing the present Mexican Official Standard in order to effectively monitor the sanitation of water undergoing purification treatments to make it suitable for human use and consumption, according to current needs.

The notified Standard establishes the permissible limits for quality to be met by water for human use and consumption. It is binding throughout Mexico on the bodies responsible for public and private water supply systems.