MX Mexico
  • 23 - Fluid systems and components for general use
  • 75 - Petroleum and related technologies

Pressurized portable containers and pressurized transportable containers - Safety in warehouses

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-011-ASEA-2018, Bodegas de distribución y bodegas de expendio de gas licuado de petróleo, mediante recipientes portátiles y recipientes transportables sujetos a presión (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-011-ASEA-2018, Centres distributing or selling liquid petroleum gas in pressurized portable containers and pressurized transportable containers) (24 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard is applicable throughout Mexican territory and is binding on all persons responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance, closure and dismantling of centres that distribute or sell liquid petroleum gas in pressurized portable containers and pressurized transportable containers. The specifications and provisions for the protection of the environment, established in the notified draft Mexican Official Standard, do not apply to projects for centres for the distribution or sale of liquid petroleum gas that are to be located in protected natural areas or areas with forest vegetation, forests, semi-arid vegetation, coastal or wetland ecosystems, areas with woodland, deserts, river or lagoon systems, or areas considered as havens or breeding grounds for migratory species, areas that provide a habitat for species that are under special protection, endangered, at risk of extinction or thought to be extinct in the wild, in accordance with Mexican Official Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, or any Standard that amends or replaces it.