MG Madagascar
  • 07 - Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
  • 09 - Coffee, tea, maté and spices
  • 12 - Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
  • 18 - Cocoa and cocoa preparations

Foodstuffs of plant origin (HS codes 07/07133/071390; 09/0905/0907; 12/1202; 18/1801/1803/1804/1805/1806)

Arrêté portant désignation du laboratoire d'analyses officielles des denrées alimentaires d'origine végétale destinées à l'exportation (Order designating the laboratory for the official analysis of foodstuffs of plant origin for export)

The notified Order designates the Food and Environmental Hygiene Laboratory (LHAE) at the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar (IPM) as the official laboratory for analysing chemical and biological contaminants in plant products, plant by-products and processed plant products.