MA Morocco
  • 91 - Construction materials and building

Construction products

- Arrêté du ministre de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'économie verte et numérique relatif aux produits de construction (Order of the Minister of Industry, Trade and the Green and Digital Economy on construction products); - Décision du ministre de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'économie verte et numérique relative à la procédure d'attestation de conformité des ciments et autres liants hydrauliques (Decision of the Minister of Industry, Trade, and the Green and Digital Economy on the procedure for attesting the conformity of cement and other hydraulic binders); - Décision du ministre de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'économie verte et numérique relative à la procédure d'attestation de conformité des équipements fixes de circulation: candélabres d'éclairage public (Decision of the Minister of Industry, Trade, and the Green and Digital Economy on the procedure for attesting the conformity of circulation fixtures: lighting columns); - Décision du ministre de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'économie verte et numérique relative à la procédure d'attestation de conformité des carreaux et dalles céramiques (Decision of the Minister of Industry, Trade, and the Green and Digital Economy on the procedure for attesting the conformity of ceramic tiles)

·         The aforementioned Order of the Minister of Industry, Trade, and the Green and Digital Economy establishes the safety and performance requirements for construction products, and limits technical specifications to Moroccan standards. It specifies the detailed arrangements relating to the declaration of conformity of these products to be implemented by producers and importers prior to making them available on the market, the conformity assessment requirements, the elements constituting the technical file to be established and retained by producers and importers, and the conditions relating to the Cم marking.

·        Three decisions by the Minister of Industry, Trade, and the Green and Digital Economy on the procedure for attesting the conformity of cement and other hydraulic binders, lighting columns and ceramic tiles have been issued in order to implement the aforementioned Order. These decisions set out the list of applicable Moroccan standards establishing technical specifications, intended use, key characteristics, and applicable systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance.