KR South Korea
  • 03 - Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

Bobo Croaker (HS:030389)

Longneck Croaker (HS:030389)

Saury (HS:030249, 030359)

* Apply to whole frozen fish with noticeably original shape (categorized as HS 0303); and fresh fish (categorized as HS 0302)

Pre-announcement of partial amendment to Enforcement Regulation of Distant Water Fisheries Development Act; (14 page(s), in Korean)

Add some fields to Catch Certificate and Simplified Catch Certificate to help identify fish's engagement of illegal fishing and trace fish through all stages of the supply chain as follows:

- Catch Certificate: IMO number & IRCS (for fishing vessel and receiving vessel), Type of products, Name of landing port, Place of processing

- Simplified Catch Certificate: Area of fishing, Transshipment position, Importer name and contact details

Modify names of some fields (both Korean and English) for more detailed and clarified data required as follows:

- Catch Certificate: modify fields of "Weight" to "Weight/processed weight"; "Name/position" to "Officer's name/position" (in the section of Validation by the competent authority)

- Simplified Catch Certificate: modify fields of "Name/position" to "Officer's name/position" (in the section of Validation by the competent authority)