ID Indonesia
  • 03 - Services, Company organization, Management and quality, Administration, Transport, Sociology
  • 11 - Health care technology
  • 55 - Packaging and distribution of goods
  • 67 - Food technology
  • 71 - Chemical technology

Food; beverages; drugs and medicine; cosmetics; chemical products; biological products; genetically engineered products; consumer goods; slaughtering services; processing services; storage services; packaging services; distribution services; sales services; and serving service.

Regulation of Minister of Finance Number 57/PMK.05/2021 regarding Tariff for Public Services provided by Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), Ministry of Religious Affairs (11 page(s), in Indonesian)

This regulation sets the tariff and fee for services provided by BPJPH including:

a. halal certification fee for goods and services;

b. accreditation fee for halal certification body;

c. registration fee for halal auditor;

d. training fee for halal auditor and halal supervisor;

e. competency certification fee for halal auditor and halal supervisor.