GB United Kingdom
  • 07 - Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers

Lettuces (UK classification code: 0251020)

Proposed GB MRL for spinetoram in or on lettuce amending the GB MRL Statutory Register. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 19

The document outlines the proposed MRL for spinetoram on lettuces. It is proposed that the MRL for lettuces is lowered from 10 mg/kg to the limit of quantification based on the UK's draft assessment which can be seen at the following link:

Review of the MRL for spinetoram in or on lettuces ( The UK specific risk assessment demonstrates that the current MRL gives rise to acute exposures that exceed the ARfD (acute reference dose). Therefore, harmful effects for human health cannot be excluded and the appropriate level of protection has not been met.