ES Spain
  • 55 - Packaging and distribution of goods


Specific tariff codes are not provided as there are several possibilities depending on the characteristics and composition of the packaging.

Proyecto de Orden Ministerial por la que se establecen los criterios para determinar cuándo los residuos plásticos sometidos a tratamientos mecánicos y destinados a la fabricación de productos plásticos dejan de ser residuo con arreglo a la Ley 7/2022, de 8 de abril, de residuos y suelos contaminados para una economía circular (Draft Ministerial Order establishing the criteria for determining when plastic waste subject to mechanical treatment ceases to be waste pursuant to Law No. 7/2022, of 8 April, on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy) (22 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Ministerial Order establishes the end-of-waste criteria for certain plastic waste that is treated mechanically. Meeting those criteria means this plastic waste is treated as a product and not as waste.

The technical criteria are based on the document, published in 2014, prepared by the Joint Research Centre at the request of the European Commission. The regulation defines which plastic waste is accepted, the necessary mechanical treatments, the quality criteria to be met by the resulting material following the recovery operation and the procedure for verifying compliance with the criteria through management systems. This regulation covers mechanical treatments only and not others, such as chemical treatments, that can be carried out on the same waste flows.