EC Ecuador

HS tariff subheadings 8539.31.10.00; 8539.31.20.00; 8539.31.30.00; 8539.31.90.00

Proyecto de Reglamento Técnico RTE INEN 036 "Eficiencia energética. Lámparas fluorescentes compactas. Rangos de desempeño energético y etiquetado" sean de fabricación nacional o importada, que se comercialicen en la República del Ecuador (Draft Technical Regulation of the Ecuadorian Stan

The notified draft Technical Regulation establishes the following in respect of the energy efficiency of compact fluorescent lamps: Scope; Definitions; Requirements; Inspection; Conformity assessment tests; Sampling; Reference standards and standards consulted, Demonstration of compliance; Conformity assessment and certification bodies; Inspection and/or supervisory authority; Type of inspection and/or monitoring; Penalty regime; Liability of conformity assessment bodies; and Review and updating.

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