CO Colombia
  • 01 - Generalities, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation

Imperfect, used, repaired, remanufactured, reconditioned or discontinued products

Proyecto de Resolución del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo "Por la cual se expide el reglamento técnico para productos en circunstancias especiales señaladas en el artículo 15 de la Ley 1480 del 12 de octubre de 2011" (Draft Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Resolution "Issuing the technical regulation for products in the special circumstances indicated in Article 15 of Law No. 1480 of 12 October 2011") (9 pages, in Spanish)

A technical regulation is adopted for products in the special circumstances indicated in Article 15 of Law No. 1480 of 12 October 2011 whose importation, assembly, distribution, use or marketing the Colombian government previously authorized. The draft resolution covers the following: purpose, scope, exceptions, definitions, abbreviations, required labelling information, general requirements, minimum information required on label, conformity assessment procedure for products in special circumstances, monitoring and inspection procedure, monitoring and inspection bodies, penalties, domestic producer and importer registration, review and updating, notification, entry into force and derogations.