Livestock products and live animals
Establece condiciones sanitarias generales para la importación a Chile de productos pecuarios y animales vivos y deroga Resolución Exenta No 1.150 del 2000 (General sanitary conditions for the importation into Chile of livestock products and live animals, and repeal of Exempt Resolution No. 1.150 of 2000) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 3
The notified measure establishes requirements for the importation into Chile of live animals and animal products, drawing particular attention to the following:
· The Competent Veterinary Authority (CVA) of the exporting country must undergo evaluation by the SAG, in accordance with the recommendations in Chapters 3.2 and 3.3 of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH);
· For the entry of animals and products into Chile, the disease-free status of the country, zone and compartment shall be considered;
· Country, zone or compartment free status must comply with the recommendations of the WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code for different diseases;
· The animal health condition or status of the country or zone, for diseases officially recognized by the WOAH, must have already been granted by this organization when requesting recognition by the SAG.