CL Chile
  • 75 - Petroleum and related technologies

Quality specifications for liquid fuels for marine use, covering the following categories: - Seven categories of distillate marine fuels, referred to as marine diesel, including fuels used in emergency diesel engines on vessels, and - Six categories of residual fuels, referred to as marine residual fuel oils.

Propuesta de Decreto Supremo "Establece especificaciones de calidad de combustibles líquidos para uso marino" (Proposed Supreme Decree, "Quality specifications for liquid fuels for marine use"). (4 pages, in Spanish)

The proposed Supreme Decree, "Quality specifications for liquid fuels for marine use", will lay down specifications and requirements to be met by marine fuels used in diesel engines and boilers on vessels. One of the parameters established in the document is a limit on sulphur content, in keeping with Annex VI, "Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships", to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). The decree will repeal Decree No. 673 of 1997, which made standard NCh 2286, Petroleum Products-Fuels-Specifications for Marine Fuels, approved by the National Standardization Institute, of the Ministry of the Economy, Development and Reconstruction, Undersecretariat for the Economy, Development and Reconstruction, an official standard of the Republic.