AU Australia
  • 65 - Agriculture

Imports of goods lodged under Schedule 3 of Australia's current tariff classification: horticultural fresh produce, cut flowers, seeds, plants and other plant-based commodities.

Australia's importing country requirements for phytosanitary certificates from 1 May 2023

This notice provides further information to G/SPS/N/AUS/558 by clarifying Australia's importing country requirements for phytosanitary certificates that have been electronically stamped/signed and where they include a QR code or weblink to enable online verification of the document.

Australia accepts the following formats of phytosanitary certificates:

1.    Original, and certified copies, of phytosanitary certificates (paper or pdf) issued by trading partners that have been dated, stamped and signed.

Phytosanitary certificates that do not have a pen-inked signature, printed signature, wet stamp or printed stamp must meet all of the below criteria:

a.    A stamp or logo on the document of the exporting NPPO;

b.    An electronic signature and/or a statement from the exporting authority that the phytosanitary certificate is electronically signed/approved;

c.     A QR code or weblink to enable online verification of the document.

2.    Electronic certificates delivered via an agreed, secure government-to-government digital exchange, known as electronic certification or ePhyto/eCert. As of May 2023, Australia currently only has such an arrangement with New Zealand for use in import clearance.

Australia supports the move to electronic certification (ePhyto/eCert) and paperless trade in import clearance. Electronic certification offers assessment efficiencies, improved security and assurance of the validity of documentation when issued via government-to-government electronic exchange.

Countries wishing to send ePhytos/eCerts to Australia are encouraged to contact the department via the Australian IPPC contact point ( to ensure the necessary systems are in place prior to commencing paperless trade.

Paper certification continues to be required until paperless trade is bilaterally negotiated between Australia and the exporting NPPO.