AR Argentina
  • 09 - Coffee, tea, maté and spices

Café soluble, instantáneo, Extracto en polvo de café y concentrado en polvo

Proyecto de Resolución Conjunta "Código Alimentario Argentino - Capítulo XV "Productos estimulantes" - Art. 1174: Café soluble, instantáneo, Extracto en polvo de café y concentrado en polvo" (Draft Joint Resolution "Argentine Food Code - Chapter XV 'Stimulating products' - Article 1174: Soluble coffee, instant coffee, powdered coffee extract and powdered coffee concentrate")

The draft Joint Resolution "Argentine Food Code - Chapter XV 'Stimulating products' - Articles 1171 bis, 1774, 1775 and 1175 bis: Soluble coffee, instant coffee, powdered coffee extract and powdered coffee concentrate" (EX-2019-99319280-APN-DERA#ANMAT), prepared by the National Food Commission, is being submitted for public consultation for a period of 45 days from this notification.

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